Cyclist and Driver Safety

Spring is now upon us, which thankfully means longer days and better weather conditions. During this period, we often see an increase in the number of cyclists on the road. Therefore, it’s more important than ever that all road users look out for one another and consider their own and other’s safety when setting out on a journey.

Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership’s new campaign aims to educate both cyclists and drivers to look out for each other, to help reduce the number of collisions involving cyclists within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.


Cyclists: Look Out – Cycle Safely

However, you use your bike, whether cycling to work or for weekend bike rides, it’s important to remember the importance of making sure you and your bike are prepared for every ride that you do. By using lights on your bike and wearing high visibility / reflective clothing or accessories at all times you give other road users a better chance of seeing you clearly, to protect yourself and them.

And if you’re new to cycling or would like to feel safer out on the road, Bikeability training can help you to increase your road safety knowledge and cycling proficiency.

Look Out – Cycle Safely

Take a look at some useful tips and advice to help you improve your road safety and help drivers to see you more clearly.


Drivers: Look Out – Drive Carefully

Research shows that most collisions with cyclists happen during morning and evening rush hour times – often at junctions and roundabouts. And this is no surprise. Traffic is increased during this time and you may be hurrying to get to or from work. However, it’s important that you give cyclists space and time as rushing and potentially causing a collision is just not worth the risk.

During the Spring and Summer months the number of cyclists on the road increases, so it’s even more important to look out for one another when you’re on the road. By educating yourself on some road safety basics you and help to keep yourself and other road users safe.

Look Out – Drive Carefully

Take a look at some useful tips and advice to help you improve your road safety knowledge and practices.