The Partnership’s enforcement strategy concentrates mainly on the enforcement by camera of road traffic offences. There is a need for activity to be justifiable, proportionate and evidence-led, to ensure our cameras are targeting the right areas.
However, camera enforcement should be viewed within the wider context of road policing, complementing Staffordshire Police’s own strategic policing plan principles and with consideration of other initiatives.
Given that the main aim of enforcement is to ensure that road users adhere to the restrictions put in place to address road safety risk, by influencing the behaviour of drivers through enforcement and early intervention, we can contribute to reducing risk and lowering the burden on wider agencies.
Enforcement can also be a form of education, since the outcome of the diversionary courses should be an increased awareness of, for example, the dangers associated with speeding.
Its vision of ‘Working in Partnership for Safe, Secure and Efficient Roads’ underpins the principles of our own strategy. The mission statement highlights the need to work in partnership to achieve:
Working with partners and stakeholders, Staffordshire Police’s ambition is to create a change in public attitude and behaviour so that complying with the law is second-nature. This new approach places a greater reliance on the discretion and professional judgement of police officers, increasing the number of potential enforcement interactions that result in education.
The roads policing ethos is to deliver a service that results in increased public satisfaction and confidence. A visible Roads Policing presence on Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent’s road network will facilitate the delivery of effective measures to affect and influence driver behaviour.
For Road Traffic Offences in Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent:
Staffordshire Police offence enquiries –
Staffordshire Police Public Access System (view offence images and camera calibration certificates) –
For Railway Level Crossing Offences nationally – visit our Level Crossing Enforcement page
Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Collision Mapping –